Sunday, April 27, 2014

how to start a profitable blog and make money online

Blogging is one of the easiest ways to make money online. Blogging comes in different perspectives due to the growth of the technology but blogging mainly means having a blog where you share your ideas with the rest of the world. People used to blog for fun and information purposes but now people are turning blogs into their cash sucking machines. Let’s find out how you can build a profitable blog and make money online with it.

The most important aspect to blogging is what you are going to blog about. You should have a clear idea of your target audience and the topic or niche you want to blog about. You must also find out whether people are actually interested in your blog idea because you want to use your blog to make money. If no one is interested, your blog becomes a failure.

 how to start a profitable blog and make money online how to start a profitable blog and make money online
The best way to ensure you build a successful blog is your blog should solve a problem. People looking for answers to the questions should see your blog as the answer to their questions. It should also be able to solve a desire or need. People are looking for where to watch movies online, where to learn how to lose weight, where to download softwares etc. Your blog could be the solution to what they are searching for. Your blog can be a place people can to read the latest news and trends in music, fashion, technology, news, sports etc. You must always come out with an idea people who love to come to your blog.
Once you have you idea, you must move on to build your blog. The easiest way to get your blog up and running within some few minutes is to use wordpress. Just log into your cpanel account and install wordpress on your desired domain. Configure your wordpress blog to meet your exact specification. For now, don’t worry so much about the design of your blog, it is the contents that matter most.
If you want a profitable blog to make money online with it, there are some practices you must do to ensure your blog becomes successful
  1. Don’t add too much advertising banners on your blog
  2. Add social sharing buttons on your blog to make it easy for people to share your contents
  3. Your theme must be clean and simple to navigate
  4. You must add unique and quality content to your blog frequently
  5. Your blog should have a clear sense of purpose. You must know your target audience and give them exactly what they are looking for
  6. Be frank with your readers. Don’t lure them into anything you wouldn’t do
  7. You must add a commenting box on your blog to make it easier for your readers to also contribute on your blog
  8. You must drive traffic to your blog
  9. You must ensure the security of your blog is always safe from hackers and you must backup your blog frequently
  10.  You must have adequate knowledge and interest in whatever you are blogging about.
You doing all these things will ensure your blog becomes a profitable and successful one. Let’s look at how to use your blog to make money online
You can make money online from you blog through the following means
  1. Using Google Adsense
  2. Using Infolinks or textlinks Ads
  3. Using amazon associates
  4. Using clickbank
  5. Selling your own products or services.
The amount of money you blog can generate for you will hugely depend on the traffic you make. Without traffic, you can never have a profitable blog. You can read more on how to generate traffic to your blog at

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to leave your comments below.


Freeman, I also have a huge interest in blogging online but I don’t know where to start. I love your blog and I wish I could also blog online like you. Will you teach me how to start my own blog?    Your Follower JAMES KOFI

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